Monday, April 5, 2010

Git 'er dun!



  1. Hi Sonny,

    Just wanted to know you're not alone out there! I am a smoker and badly out of shape. I'm running along with you except I'm using a coaching program by nike+. It's a 12 week program called "Walk to Run." I'm not sure if you've heard of nike+, but it's a chip that you put in (or on) your shoe, and it syncs with a receiver you plug into your ipod. As you run, it records your pace, mileage, calories burned, etc. When you finish your run, you plug in your ipod and send your workouts to where you can view details of your run and set goals. This is not a program that will get me to running 5Ks, but it will help me get into shape running. If this program doesn't work for me, I will be formatting my own running schedule with this program in nike+. Good luck to you, and I hope you meet all your goals!

  2. Way to go, Sonny! Early on, motivation is tough. But like Ashley said, you're not alone. Last week we had a cold/rainy day here in Buffalo, NY and practically had to push ourselves out the door, but we did it and were glad when we got home.
    Today was the opposite - almost 70 degrees this morning and I couldn't put my sneakers on fast enough. Good times!
    - Jill (aka TotalNRG, friend of Podcacher)
